Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Mumbles.. mumbles

I felt so tired today, maybe because of my flu. We did a National Exam drilling in English today, and when I finished, I slept, but then... Kresna shout, "Bangun lo!" in my ear! Gosh, how I hate my childish friends and their attitude!

I arrived home, read the new Girlfriend mag I bought and sleep. Uggghh.. what a day!

Then I opened my facebook, and found these:

I wrote this note yesterday and tagged several friends to see what they think about me.

Heyy guys, let me know some facts about myself, write you answers in the comment, okaaay? : )))

1. Where you and I met?

2. How long have you known me?

3. The last time we saw each other?

4. Your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?

5. Am I funny?

6. What's my favorite music?

7. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something

8. Have you ever hugged me?

9. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?

10. If you and I were stranded on an island, what would I bring?

11. Where do you think I will be in 25 years?

12. What reminds you of me?

13. What is my best attribute?

14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

15. Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?

And these are the answers:
(it's in Indonesian)

Adiz Razi comentó a las 21:59, el 01 de marzo
1. Al-izhar pondok labu, briefing MOS
2. 3 years,..
3. pas TO 4
4. "nama gw ratih nama gw ratih" berisik bgt haha
6. Anggun1
7. Well... apaya.. SPORTY DONG
8. yes
9. Toddie
10. makanan!
11. jadi istri pemain bola atau dokternya :p
12. your voice
13. iker
14. mmmm
15. maybe

Ade Irma Suryani comentó a las 22:48, el 01 de marzo
1. Di quin kar-teng, kita basis quin :D
2. 8 bulan, sebulan lg ngelahirin
3. Jumat kmrn pas cabs ke quin
4. Wanita berbadan besar yg cadel dan childish xp
5. Noo, actually you're very childish
6. Apapun yg Jonas brothers haha sotoy
7. Sporty
8. Oh yees haha
9. Nyimas
10. Pintu kemana saja
11. Dokter yg 'insyaAllah' ga malapraktik lol
12. Ke-childish-an lo
13. Celana kulot yg menipu (kulot bkn sih?)
14. Tidak sepertinya
15. Repost ga ya? Haha

Aregina Pernong comentó a las 23:00, el 01 de marzo
1. alizhar

2. long enough to know that you love ikker

3. hmm, berminggu2 yg lalu

4. waw..


6. jason


8. ya, walaupun sulit

9. zatih

10. many things

11. maksa gw untuk ke tempat praktek dokter

12. toa

13. hal aneh

14. maybe

15. yaa,boleh deh kalo udah ga sibuk! hahaha sok

Nisa Puspasari comentó a las 16:48, el 02 de marzo
1. dd
2. yaa dr smp kls 1 lah pokoknya haha
3. pas bukpus. anjir lama abis.
4. buseng, tinggi abis hahaha
5. YES
6. apa ya...? SIMPLE PLAN!! hahahahahahahahahahaha
7. sporty and silly
8. ofcourse i have :)
9. ratttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
10. HP dan makanan!!
11. dokter, amiiin trs punya suami ganteng kayak sapa tuh pemain bola favorit lo? gue lupa hahah
12. suara lo kalo lagi teriak
13. apa ya?
14. noo hahah tdk ada rahasia antara kita ahuahaha
15. udh dong

Herman Mirenk comentó a las 16:50, el 02 de marzo
1. basis quin kita
2. kenalnya ya pas lo masuk quin,8 bulanan mungkin
3.jumat sebelum simak ui
4. wanita yg pintar
5. kagak
6. mana gw tau
7. sporty aja deh
8. blom
9. ponari kali ya
10. kagak tau
11. kayanya cocok jadi penari kuda lumping
12. badan lo yg seksi kaya prety asmara
13. kemeja putih sm celana kotak2 ijo al-izhar
14. tidak
15.banyak juga pertanyaannya deh,hahaha....

sori2 ya klo ada kata2 yang salah...hahahha

Prissy Budi Putri comentó a las 19:00, el 02 de marzo
sendaaaaaaaaaal pinter! selamat bu dokter haha

Andhitta Audria Putri comentó a las 19:17, el 02 de marzo
1. pas tes alizhar
2. 2 and a half years
3. this afternoon?
4. toa
5. naturally
6. ECDL y se parece mas a ti
7. sporty jajajaja
8. pernah
9. zatih
10. iker
11. lg s2 sport medicine
12. iker
14. maybeee
15. gatau

Ratih Amandhita comentó a las 19:20, el 02 de marzo
Thankyouuuuuu, guuuuuuuyyyysss! Yes Irma, I love love Jonas Brothers and also Jason! Hahahahaha. And yes Gigi in 25 years gue akan maksa lo dateng ke tempat praktek gue buat ngerumpi, hahahaha : ))).

Hey hey Priss, isi juga dong lo! Hahahaha

Ratih Amandhita comentó a las 19:21, el 02 de marzo
Bener bgt Bul kalau terdampar gue bawa Iker, lums buat jadi babu hahahahahaha

hihiiiiii, I loveeeee it! : ))

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